Why Love Period?
one to choose love, be love, receive love, express love,
extend love, one must yield to their true essence.
When language is attempted to describe this experience, it
always falls short because the dualistic nature of language
which would have you describe something that is higher, or
something that is deeper, something that feels a particular
way, or looks a particular way. In truth, it is all of the
Watch Dr. Wayne Dyer: I Can See Clearly Now
It is higher, deeper, and inclusive
of all things. Any time one chooses love and is
willing to yield to love’s call, it can look like many
different things, including speaking or not speaking,
smiling or not smiling, touching or not touching, being
close or far. It may be considered an attitude, or a
commitment, or just a willingness to be in alignment with
your highest expression of good that one can express in that
There are some who can maintain this willing choice of love
for many moments on end, and others who just visit it from
time to time when they feel impelled.
Often special relationships, intimates, relatives,
friends, co-workers, can act as trigger points for making
the choice to be love.
Let us become aware of the challenge to extend love
as a result of what appears to be negative situations, which
is the idea behind “love period” despite seemingly negative
circumstances. Let us recognize that negative
situations are simply calls for love which can
inspire each of us to awaken to our true essence - love.
Blessed are those who recognize the opportunities to
extend love in painful circumstances. They are true
wayshowers who show the way for those who might remain
reactive for a longer period of time but who would
eventually find their way home to the state of unconditional
love that calls to all.
With a grateful heart, I thank you for embracing the new
love paradigm which is emerging now.
You are a beacon of light & love in this world for
you have chosen to be a symbol of joy, peace, wisdom, and
self-responsibility. As
many are lifted by your willingness to be the presence of
love in this world, more and more will follow your way and
bring an even greater willingness to bring love forth into
each and every moment. Be
of good cheer, knowing that your inner calling shines the
light on the road to the remembrance of the love that you,
I, we have always been.
Much love, Rev. Charles
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When Something Bad Happens You Have
Three Choices…
You Can: Let It Define You,
Let It Destroy You, or
You Can Let It Strengthen You.
Choose Love and Be Filled With Joy & Peace.